Advanced Usages#

This page for the people who have some requirements which doesn’t be satisfied or resolved by Quickly Start.

Synchronization with Python decorator#

You could learn about how to use synchronization features in Running with Synchronizations in Quickly Start. Actually, you also could use it with a easier way — Python decorator.

No matter for Lock, RLock, Semaphore or Bounded Semaphore, they all could work with Python keyword with. The code in the same indentation would be run synchronously. For the same reason, RunWith implements some decorators so that function would run synchronously under the decorator.

The synchronization features of MultiRunnable which support usage with Python decorator are:

  • Lock

  • RLock

  • Semaphore

  • Bounded Semaphore

You could enjoy this feature via RunWith. Let’s import module before demonstrate:

from multirunnable.api import RunWith

Let’s start to use synchronization features.


Following code is a demonstration with RunWith:

from multirunnable import sleep

def lock_function():
    print("Running process in lock and will sleep 2 seconds.")
    print("Wake up process and release lock.")

The function lock_function would work synchronously. Below code working is the same as above:

lock_opt = LockOperator()

def lock_function():
    with lock_opt:
        print("Running process in Lock and it will sleep 2 seconds.")
        print(f"Wake up process and release Lock.")

In the other words, code would works synchronously which in the same indentation for Python keyword with; code would be blocking to run in the function with decorator RunWith.

For other features, the usage is completely the same. So it only demonstrates the usage without introduction for others.


from multirunnable import sleep

def rlock_function():
    print("Running process in RLock and it will sleep 2 seconds.")
    print("Wake up process and release RLock.")


from multirunnable import sleep

def smp_function():
    print("Running process with Semaphore and it will sleep 2 seconds.")
    print("Wake up process and release Semaphore.")

Bounded Semaphore#

from multirunnable import sleep

def bsmp_function():
    print("Running process with Bounded Semaphore and it will sleep 2 seconds.")
    print("Wake up process and release Bounded Semaphore.")


Why design it could use Lock with decorator?

Lock, Semaphore or something else features would deeply affect the performance of parallelism. MultiRunnable require developers do as much as you can about ONLY lock the necessary section to let parallelism stay at high performance. It also could remind others this function would run with lock.

Retry to run target function if it raises any exception#

retry - Retry to do it#

It’s possible that occurs unexpected something when running. Sometimes, it needs to catch that exceptions or errors to do some handling or it needs to do something finally and keep going run. That’s the reason why this feature exists.

It could use the feature via Python decorator retry (It’s async_retry with Asynchronous).

from multirunnable import sleep
from multirunnable.api import retry

def target_fail_function(*args, **kwargs):
    print("It will raise exception after 3 seconds ...")
    raise Exception("Test for error")

Absolutely, it could configure how many times it would timeout (Default value is 1).

from multirunnable import sleep
from multirunnable.api import retry

def target_fail_function(*args, **kwargs):
    print("It will raise exception after 3 seconds ...")
    raise Exception("Test for error")

It would be decorated as a ‘retry’ object after adds decorator on it. So we could add some features if you need:

initialization - Do it before retry#

The function which should be run first before run target retry function. It doesn’t receive any argument and it doesn’t return value, too.

def initial():
    print("This is testing initialization")

done_handling - Do it after retry and run successfully#

It runs done_handling function after it runs target retry function successfully without raising any exception. It has an argument result which is the return value of target retry function. It also can return value which is the truly return value for outside caller.

def done(result):
    print("This is testing done process")
    print("Get something result: ", result)
    return result

final_handling - Must to do it after retry#

No matter what it happens in target retry function, it MUST to run this finally. For example, close IO stream.

It doesn’t receive any argument and it doesn’t return any value.

def final():
    print("This is final process")

error_handling - Do it if it get fail in retry#

Target to handle every exceptions or errors. It only receive one argument error which is what exception or error it got when it run the target retry function. It doesn’t have any return value.

def error(error):
    print("This is error process")
    print("Get something error: ", error)

Persistence in parallelism#

For a parallelism development, persistence may be the most difficult problem. MultiRunnable provides some APIs or rules to let you use it or implement it if it needs.

Operate with file#

About persistence as file, it could use FAO (File Access Object) with object BaseFao directly:

fao = BaseFao(strategy=SavingStrategy.ALL_THREADS_ONE_FILE)
fao.save_as_csv(mode="a+", file="testing.csv", data=_data)
fao.save_as_excel(mode="a+", file="testing.xlsx", data=_data)
fao.save_as_json(mode="a+", file="testing.json", data=_data)

Consider about remove the template implementations to let subclass to implement it like database subpackage. It will deprecate this at version 0.18.0 and remove this at version 0.19.0 if it ensures the decision.

Operate with database#

It has 3 sections in subpackage multirunnable.persistence.database.

  • Connection Factory

    module: multirunnable.persistence.database.strategy

    • Single Connection

    • Connection Pool

  • Database Operators

    module: multirunnable.persistence.database.operator

For connection factory section, literally, its responsibility is generating connection or connection pool instance(s). For another one — operator, it responses of doing any operators with database via the connection instance which be generated from connection factory.

About implementing customized persistence objects with database, it should inherit some classes if it needs:

  • Connection Factory
    • Single Connection:

      object: BaseSingleConnection

    • Connection Pool:

      object: BaseConnectionPool

  • Database Operators:

    object: DatabaseOperator

It could only select one of them of Connection Factory. Below are some demonstrations of how to implement them (demonstrating with MySQL).

Connection Strategy#

For BaseSingleConnection object, it should implement 4 functions:

  • _connect_database: connect to database to create session.

  • _is_connected: it should return True if session is connected.

  • commit: commit the execution in session to database.

  • _close_connection: close the session resource of database.

from mysql.connector.connection import MySQLConnection
from mysql.connector.cursor import MySQLCursor
import mysql.connector

class MySQLSingleConnection(BaseSingleConnection):

    def _connect_database(self, **kwargs) -> MySQLConnection:
        _connection = mysql.connector.connect(**kwargs)
        return _connection

    def _is_connected(self) -> bool:
        return self.current_connection.is_connected()

    def commit(self) -> None:

    def _close_connection(self) -> None:
        if self.current_connection is not None and self.current_connection.is_connected():

For BaseConnectionPool object, it should implement 6 functions:

  • connect_database: connect to database to build a connection pool.

  • _get_one_connection: get one connection instance from the connection pool.

  • _is_connected: it should return True if session is connected.

  • _commit: commit the execution in session to database.

  • _close_connection: close the connection resource of database.

  • close_pool: close the pool resource of database.

from mysql.connector.connection import MySQLConnection
from mysql.connector.pooling import MySQLConnectionPool, PooledMySQLConnection
from mysql.connector.errors import PoolError
from mysql.connector.cursor import MySQLCursor
import mysql.connector

class MySQLDriverConnectionPool(BaseConnectionPool):

    def connect_database(self, **kwargs) -> MySQLConnectionPool:
        connection_pool = MySQLConnectionPool(**kwargs)
        return connection_pool

    def _get_one_connection(self, pool_name: str = "", **kwargs) -> PooledMySQLConnection:
        while True:
                __connection = get_connection_pool(pool_name=pool_name).get_connection()
      "Get a valid connection: {__connection}")
                return __connection
            except PoolError as e:
                logging.error(f"Connection Pool: {get_connection_pool(pool_name=pool_name)} ")
                logging.error(f"Will sleep for 5 seconds to wait for connection is available.")
            except AttributeError as ae:
                raise ConnectionError(f"Cannot get the one connection instance from connection pool because it doesn't exist the connection pool with the name '{pool_name}'.")

    def _is_connected(self, conn: PooledMySQLConnection) -> bool:
        return conn.is_connected()

    def _commit(self, conn: PooledMySQLConnection) -> None:

    def _close_connection(self, conn: PooledMySQLConnection) -> None:
        if self.connection is not None and self.connection.is_connected():

    def close_pool(self, pool_name: str) -> None:


For DatabaseOperator object, it could implement some functions:

  • initial_cursor: initial a cursor instance for all functions to do some operators with database.

  • execute: execute the SQL query.

  • execute_many: batch execute the SQL query.

  • fetch_one: get one data row.

  • fetch_many: get a specific count of data rows.

  • fetch_all: get all data rows.

class MySQLOperator(DatabaseOperator):

    def __init__(self, conn_strategy: BaseDatabaseConnection, db_config: Dict = {}):
        super().__init__(conn_strategy=conn_strategy, db_config=db_config)

    def initial_cursor(self, connection: Union[MySQLConnection, PooledMySQLConnection]) -> MySQLCursor:
        return connection.cursor(buffered=True)

    def execute(self, operator: Any, params: Tuple = None, multi: bool = False) -> MySQLCursor:
        return self._cursor.execute(operation=operator, params=params, multi=multi)

    def execute_many(self, operator: Any, seq_params=None) -> MySQLCursor:
        return self._cursor.executemany(operation=operator, seq_params=seq_params)

    def fetch_one(self) -> MySQLCursor:
        return self._cursor.fetchone()

    def fetch_many(self, size: int = None) -> MySQLCursor:
        return self._cursor.fetchmany(size=size)

    def fetch_all(self) -> MySQLCursor:
        return self._cursor.fetchall()


Finally, let’s implement your customized DAO which extends BaseDao:

  • _instantiate_strategy: initial strategy.

  • _instantiate_database_opts: initial database operator.

class TestingDao(BaseDao):

    def __init__(self, db_driver=None, use_pool=False):
        self.db_driver = db_driver
        self.use_pool = use_pool

        # Initial and connect to database and get connection, cursor (or session) instance
        self._database_config = {
            "host": "",
            # "host": "",
            "port": "3306",
            "user": "root",
            "password": "password",
            "database": "tw_stock"

        self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

    def _instantiate_strategy(self) -> BaseDatabaseConnection:
        if self.db_driver == "mysql":
            # from db_mysql import MySQLSingleConnection, MySQLDriverConnectionPool, MySQLOperator
            if self.use_pool is True:
                db_conn_strategy = MySQLDriverConnectionPool(**self._database_config)
                db_conn_strategy = MySQLSingleConnection(**self._database_config)
            return db_conn_strategy
            raise ValueError

    def _instantiate_database_opts(self, strategy: BaseDatabaseConnection) -> DatabaseOperator:
        _database_opts = MySQLOperator(conn_strategy=strategy)
        return _database_opts

    def get_test_data(self):
        self.execute('SELECT col_1, col_2 FROM test.test_table LIMIT 10')
        data = self.fetch_all()
        return data

Okay, we done all tasks we need to implement! Let’s try to use it via DAO:

_dao = TestingDao(db_driver="mysql")    # Use single connection strategy
# _dao = TestingDao(db_driver="mysql", use_pool=True)    # Use connections pool
_data = _dao.get_test_data()
print(f"Data: {_data}")