
Building Status#


Building Status

Coverage Status


github-actions build status

Test coverage with 'codecov'


circle-ci build status

Test coverage with 'coveralls'

Testing Concerns#

A great testing tool is a very important to developers for testing in development. In MultiRunnable, it could consider about 3 points for testing:

  • Testing in localhost conveniently and clearly.

    It only cares testing but doesn’t care about testing in different version or different OS, etc. Focus on the feature testing of APIs.

  • Testing for different version of language.

    It cares about testing with different language version (ex: Python 3.8, 3.10, etc). Feature testing should already be passing at this step.

  • Testing automatically by third party platform.

    In addition to passing feature testing in different Python version, it also could test with different OS (ex: MacOS, Linux, Windows). It event could run these automatically by CI tool (of course it does about deployment, too).

PyTest - Python Testing Framework#

A powerful testing framework for Python. It could help developer test code and verify the testing result. MultiRunnable has a configuration of pytest, pytest.ini, to do it.

It only run below command line at the root path of the project:

>>> pytest

It would test all items to verify the feature of MultiRunnable APIs. Finally, it has a testing result to inform developers some important things like the code coverage, which cases are fail, etc.

  • Note:

    Remember that it needs to install some plugins to use some feature. For example, it should install pytest-cov by pip if needs code coverage result by option –cov=. pytest-html be needed for exporting testing report by option –html. pytest-rerunfailures be needed for rerun the testing failed items by option –reruns.

If it just only tests one or more new test case(s) or debugs someone, it could run with the testing item name by option -k. For example, run the below command line:

>>> pytest -q --cache-clear --reruns 0 --cov=./multirunnable tests/concurrent/strategy.py -k 'test_apply_with_'

It would run all the testing items which naming ‘test_apply_with_XXXXXXXXX’.

If it needs more information about pytest, please refer to the official documentation PyTest.

About tool pytest, it achieves the goal about testing feature of APIs in localhost. It could guarantee that APIs feature work finely. However, it only makes sure that with one specific Python version. So it needs a tool which could help us to test with different Python version and they doesn’t be effected by each others.

Tox - Testing in SandBox#

From the final of section PyTest - Python Testing Framework, we need a testing tool to test with different Python version and they doesn’t effected each others. So Tox is the one which could achieve that. Tox is a tool which could run Python code with different Python version. It could set Python version with option envlist. It would initial and create a sandbox which the runtime environment independently to each target Python version.

MultiRunnable has a configuration of Tox, tox.ini. It could test the code with PyTest via Tox in different Python version.

  • Note:

    It should install tox by pip before use it.

It only modify the value of option envlist if it needs and run the command below at the root path of the project:

>>> tox

It would run pytest with the target Python versions.

If it needs more information about tox, please refer to the official documentation Tox.

Docker - Testing with Container#

MultiRunnable has a subpackage persistence.database to define how to extends yourself own classes ConnectionStrategy, DatabaseOperator and DAO to do something with database. No one want to build multiple databases in localhost for testing different database driver. And it’s so hard to ensure they’re NOT effected each others. That’s the reason why testing features of persistence.database with Docker. It could be convenient and fast to build a database. Furthermore, it guarantees the environment is cleaning.

For example, I want to test it with RDB MySQL. Let’s ready Docker image first:

>>> docker pull mysql:8.0.23

Check the image:

>>> docker images | grep -P "mysql"
mysql                          8.0.23              xxxx12349d81        12 months ago       546MB

In MacOS, the option should be -E

>>> docker images | grep -E "mysql"
mysql                          8.0.23              xxxx12349d81        12 months ago       546MB

And start to setup database service MySQL:

>>> docker run --name test_mysql --restart always -p 3306:3306 --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password" -d mysql:8.0.23

Verify the running state:

>>> docker ps -a
xxxx123466c5        mysql:8.0.23                          "docker-entrypoint.s…"   10 months ago       Up 2 weeks         >3306/tcp, 33060/tcp                                                                          mysql_stock

Let’s build some testing data to testing:

>>> docker exec -it test_mysql mysql -u root -ppassword  --execute="CREATE DATABASE tw_stock;"
>>> docker exec -it test_mysql mysql -u root -ppassword  --execute="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tw_stock.stock_data_1234 (   stock_date DATETIME NOT NULL,   trade_volume DECIMAL(12,4) NOT NULL,   turnover_price DECIMAL(16,4) NOT NULL,   opening_price DECIMAL(8,4) NOT NULL,   highest_price DECIMAL(8,4) NOT NULL,   lowest_price DECIMAL(8,4) NOT NULL,   closing_price DECIMAL(8,4) NOT NULL,   gross_spread DECIMAL(8,4) NOT NULL,   turnover_volume DECIMAL(12,4) NOT NULL,   PRIMARY KEY(stock_date)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"
>>> docker exec -it test_mysql mysql -u root -ppassword  --execute="INSERT INTO tw_stock.stock_data_1234 (stock_date, trade_volume, turnover_price, opening_price, highest_price, lowest_price, closing_price, gross_spread, turnover_volume) VALUES ('0108-01-02 00:00:00' , 32900482 , 7276419230 ,226.5000 ,226.5000 , 219.0000, 219.5000 ,-6.00 , 12329);"
>>> docker exec -it test_mysql mysql -u root -ppassword  --execute="INSERT INTO tw_stock.stock_data_1234 (stock_date, trade_volume, turnover_price, opening_price, highest_price, lowest_price, closing_price, gross_spread, turnover_volume) VALUES ('0108-01-31 00:00:00' , 32900482 , 7276419230 ,226.5000 ,226.5000 , 219.0000, 219.5000 ,-6.00 , 12329);"

Above 4 command lines create a new database and a table in it, and it inserts 2 data rows into the table.

Show data rows:

>>> docker exec -it test_mysql mysql -u root -ppassword  --execute="SELECT * FROM tw_stock.stock_data_1234;"
| stock_date          | trade_volume  | turnover_price  | opening_price | highest_price | lowest_price | closing_price | gross_spread | turnover_volume |
| 0108-01-02 00:00:00 | 32900482.0000 | 7276419230.0000 |      226.5000 |      226.5000 |     219.0000 |      219.5000 |      -6.0000 |      12329.0000 |
| 0108-01-31 00:00:00 | 32900482.0000 | 7276419230.0000 |      226.5000 |      226.5000 |     219.0000 |      219.5000 |      -6.0000 |      12329.0000 |

Docker create a virtual environment and setup MySQL. It could setup others with different database driver conveniently, too. And then we could test code with it.

Combine with CI tool#

Above all, it could test with different Python version in different OS. However, it’s necessary that there is a platform which could run these tasks and record testing result in every scenarios when it be triggered by some movements like git push, git merge or something else. Therefore, it needs CI tools.

In Building Status, these all are the building state which including testing. It also could be triggered by the git movements. It means that it could make sure that the latest code is correct and it could run finely without issue (depend on the code coverage).

Currently, MultiRunnable uses Circle-CI, GitHub Actions and AppVeyor. Circle-CI and GitHub Actions for Linux OS or MacOS. AppVeyor for Windows. It had run with Travis-CI before, but credits is fulled so it deprecated it now.